Coffee with Honey – Health Benefits

Coffee with Honey – Health Benefits

Honey in coffee is a very old way of sweetening coffee, and it has tons of health benefits as well.

Coffee is a well-known antioxidant – as long as it’s without sugar and milk – and honey is an ancient remedy for many ailments, and together they can only do good.

Can you add honey to coffee?

Yes, you can add honey to coffee and it turns out quite nice. It’s a very different taste from coffee with sugar, in that honey by itself has a deep, rich flavor and will cover up some of coffee’s tones.

Depending on how much honey you add to your cup of coffee you might feel it more or less. More honey=more flavor, but also more calories and in the long run you’d end up losing some benefits by using too much honey in a cup of coffee.

Is coffee with honey healthy?

Yes, as long as the coffee you intent to add the honey to is not too hot, then the honey will provide its health benefits.

You also need to be careful with just how much honey you’re planning to add to your coffee.

And as with anything, the health benefits won’t really show unless you drink this combination regularly and have patience.

Let’s see some of those health benefits….

  1. Both honey and coffee are high in antioxidants.

Honey has its own set of antioxidants, and this just plays along with coffee’s own set of health-enhancing properties.

Together, the two can help reduce the impact of free radicals on the body.

  1. Honey and coffee may improve blood circulation.

It can really help the heart itself function properly, provide sufficient oxygen to the brain, and reduce the chances of heart diseases.

They also help regulate blood sugar. This is done by lowering insulin resistance, meaning there will be an overall smaller dose of glucose in the bloodstream.

  1. Honey and coffee bring necessary vitamins and minerals.

A wonderful combination between sweetness and nurturing, honey brings an entire host of vitamins and minerals to the human body.

It’s actually a good way to get your daily minimum, including Magnesium, Selenium, and Zinc, all of which are not exactly easy to find but very necessary.

  1. Honey in coffee helps reduce the overall carb intake.
  1. Honey Sweeter than regular sugar.
  2. Honey is More easily digested.
  3. Raw honey may lessen seasonal allergies.
  4. Honey Contains prebiotics which may aid in digestion.
  5. Honey Encourages beneficial bacteria in the gut.
  6. Honey Soothes coughs from allergies and illness.
  • Conclusion

Coffee may have a positive effect on our bodies in regards to diseases like diabetes. Honey can add to that by having a smaller impact on blood sugar. It seems like honey could be the answer to enjoying a sweet and healthy cup of coffee.


  1. Never add honey to hot coffee.

The problem here is not the coffee type, but the temperature of the liquid.

Honey loses most of its properties if it gets heated.

  • So when should you add honey to coffee?

Add honey to your coffee only when it gets to about 40 C/104 F.

  1. Make sure you get actual, natural and raw unfiltered honey.

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