Sider Mountain Hadrami Honey

Sider Mountain Hadrami Honey

The bees absorb the nectar of the flower tree of Sidr, an evergreen tree that grows in hot, humid climates and endures the harsh climatic conditions.

Yemen is famous for having a large number of these trees, as the Hadramout Mountains extend over a large area from west to east.

Hadrami honey is one of the most famous and useful honey in terms of treating many diseases and maintaining focus and body vitality.


Characteristics of Sidr Mountain Hadrami Honey:

Density: high density

Color: dark

Taste: a sweet, delicious, not pungent taste

Ingredients: monosaccharaides, yeasts, amino acids, various vitamins and minerals


Sidr Mountain Hadrami Honey Benefits:

  • Protects against heart disease and reduces the occurrence of heart attacks, as it lowers the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, and prevents arteriosclerosis and strokes.
  • Treats chronic fatigue and shortness of breath.
  • Treats pancreatic cancer, brain tumors, breast cancer and liver cancer.
  • Treats all kinds of skin problems, Such as rashes and acne.
  • Helps repair damaged hair, stops hair loss, and gives it a natural shine.
  • Stimulates the reproductive system and increases the chances of pregnancy, in addition treats infertility and erectile dysfunction in men.
  • Strengthens the body of the pregnant woman and gives her the important elements and compounds for her and her fetus, such as folic acid, which is indispensable for a pregnant woman.
  • Works to break down kidney and bladder stones.
  • Helps treat nausea and flushes out toxins from the body.
  • Relieves rheumatic pain and reduces soreness of the knees, shoulders and back.
  • Reduces sore throat and sinuses, and eliminates coughing.
  • Reduces symptoms of some serious respiratory diseases such as asthma.
  • Improves the immune system’s efficiency.
  • Treats stomach pain and eliminates constipation.
  • Strengthens the nervous system and stimulates the body physically and mentally.

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